Worried about the Leaving Cert?
The Irish Times is hosting a series of web-based seminars which should help you with the major subjects.
If you are worried about French then tune in to the Irish Times website www.ireland.com/education/el/for a session with the experts on Monday May 22nd, from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m.
The seminar will be available in both text and Real Audio format.
Questions should be e-mailed in advance to education@irishtimes.ie. before 4 p.m. on May 22nd. Or you can post your queries to Anne Byrne, Exam Countdown, Education and Living, the Irish Times, 11-16 D'Olier Street, Dublin.
Anne Byrne, Careers and Guidance Correspondent, will put your questions to experienced French teacher and exam commentator Sean Higgins.
The series continues with geography on May 29th and study skills on June 6th. Previous seminars included study skills with guidance counsellor and author Brian Mooney; English with Kate Bateman, chairperson of the Association of Teachers of English; Irish with teacher and exam commentator Treasa Ni Chonaola, and maths with teacher and exam commentator John Evans. These are available at www.ireland.com/education/el/