Queen's tripped up by legal eagles

Another university has bitten the dust in the first round of Challenging Times, and in quite spectacular fashion

Another university has bitten the dust in the first round of Challenging Times, and in quite spectacular fashion. Queen's University Belfast couldn't find the necessary "cupla freagra" - or, for those whose sympathies lie with King Billy, the necessary answers - to pose a serious threat to King's Inns and promptly caved in, allowing the damned lawyers to trample over their supine forms. The final score: Queen's 75, King's Inns 245 - the highest score and the largest margin of victory in the competition so far.

King's Inns was represented by Tim O'Connor, Brian Kearney, Eamonn Cahill and sub Bryan Murphy, all names to watch, presumably, if you end up before the beak for cheating at Trivial Pursuits. Queen's game four consisted of Stuart McTaggart, Dermot Crowley, Donal McAnallen and sub Philip Crossey.

Next week, the DIT takes on Sligo RTC. Challenging Times can be seen on Network 2 at 8 p.m. every Monday. The question master is, as ever, the gracefully greying Kevin Myers.