STREAMING benefits brighten students by putting them into a class where they are constantly being academically challenged, but being streamed into a lower class can be damning - pupils rapidly develop a poor self-image and believe that as people they are not as good as the A students.
"This lower self esteem can he carried throughout life," says Sean Mitchell, chairman of the Coolmine Parents' Association.
The issues involved will be teased out at a conference organised by the parents' association of Coolmine Community School on Saturday. February 24th, in Westmanstown, Dublin. Frank Murray, general secretary of the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools, will give an introductory overview on the situation in Irish schools. Other speakers include Christina Murphy of The Irish Times, who will analyse the various societal influences on the choice of system.
Teachers, parents and school management personnel and anybody interested is welcome to attend. Registration forms from Michael O'Keeffe, conference secretary, 17 Parklands, Laurel Lodge, Dublin 15 (tel: (01) 821 0322).