Euro-opportunity knocks

EVEN the sound of SOCRATES, COMENIUS and other classically-named European programmes is enough to turn most people off

EVEN the sound of SOCRATES, COMENIUS and other classically-named European programmes is enough to turn most people off. But, the tedium of reading the small print, written in dense Eurospeak, could be well worthwhile for teachers and teacher trainers as the bottom line is that money is available for bringing the "European dimension" to Irish classrooms.

Leargas, an agency offering a schools' exchange service, is currently inviting applications under Action 3 of COMENIUS, which relates to teacher training.

The experience of Peader Cremin, head of education in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, gives a concrete example of how this works.

Last year, he and two European partners, from the Netherlands and Spain, applied for funding for a project which would help to link schools in Europe. The three partners met in Tralee, Co Kerry, and put together an in-service programme designed to show teachers how to link their schools, in small groups, with other European schools. An educational conference was held in Tralee in May and the 30 participants visited Irish schools and attended seminars.


A further conference for primary schoolteachers will be held in Barcelona in Spain on March 20th to 24th this year. It will explain the European dimension and find out the extent to which Europe features on the curriculum in various schools. Then the nuts and bolts of linkage will be explained - fax, post, Email, or more sophisticated computer conferencing could be used.

Peader Cremin says that language may pose a challenge, but not an insurmountable one. Teachers might, for instance, ask students to draw pictures to illustrate a common legend or story and then exchange the pictures between schools. Primary teachers interested in going to Barcelona should contact the schools' service of Leargas, immediately. There will be funding available for three teachers.

Creative writing - a whole school approach is the subject of another Irish-led project which has been funded under Action 3. Bart Banbury, director of the Cork Teachers' Centre, which came up with the idea for the project, encourages Irish educators to take the first step and get involved with these European programmes, as they have a lot to offer and a lot to learn.

Teacher trainers - if they work fast - still have time to submit their own in-service project ideas.

Projects must involve at least one institution from at least three countries. Themes should broadly concern the introduction or development of the European dimension in the education of teachers and other educational staff or the updating of skills of educational staff involved in raising the level of school achievement with particular reference to special educational needs". The deadline for applications is February 1st (COMENIUS Action 3).

Another deadline is also looming. Teachers interested in multilateral school partnerships, bringing small groups of schools together, should apply to the Schools' Service at Leargas by March 1st (COMENIUS Action 1). Telephone Leargas at (01)873 1411.