How does Gráinne Seoige's CV stack up?
Current job: News anchor, TV3
What schools did you attend? Spiddal NS and Coláiste Chroí Mhuire in Spiddal
Did you have any famous classmates? Not that I'm aware of
Hidden talents at school? Art, but my principal said their were no jobs for female artists
Where did you go to college? NUI Galway
Best subject in school? English
Worst subject? Maths
Most inspirational teacher and why? One of my teachers was a sort of negative inspiration - she told me I should drop to pass English and I was so disgusted that I went on to do very well at honours level just to prove her wrong.
What's the best thing about the Irish education system? The choice of subjects is just incredible. My little brother was able to take 13 subjects for Junior Cert - and he did very well at all of them!
The worst thing? It doesn't prepare teenagers for third level or for the real world. More life-skills subjects are needed on the curriculum, more of a focus on social, health and sex education.
What song most reminds you of your schooldays? Right On Time by Black Box