A SERIES of six weekly lectures on the theme of "bridges and barriers" begins on January 30th in Butler House, Kilkenny. Dealing with cultural inclusion and exclusion, the series begins with a lecture on Irish Travellers.
Israeli life and politics will be considered as will war and its commemoration while writer Michael Cody and poet Ruth Padel will also contribute. For details contact Proinsias O Drisceoil - telephone (056) 65103; fax (056) 51094.
Age & Opportunity is currently compiling a guide which will list educational opportunities and resources for older people. For inclusion contact the project officer, Mary Burke without delay - telephone (01) 837 0570.
Design Workshops kicks off its new year programme with a curtain-making workshop from February 3rd-6th. Between now and May a whole range of home decor courses are available from wall finishes to interior design, furniture painting, stencilling and garden design. In May a curtain making course will be held in Cork. For details write to PO Box 5276, Dublin 16 or telephone (01) 494 6435.
The indefatigable Chuck Kruger has lined up a new year of storytelling events on Cape Clear Island beginning in March with a week long "retreat" aimed at storytellers who want to time to relax and share techniques and stories with similar minded folk. Further information from Chuck by telephone/fax at (028) 39157 or e mail ckstory.indigo.ie
ACCEPT the association for community counselling, is offering two distance learning courses in counselling, psychology and therapy skills. The courses begin with a practical introduction to the theory and techniques of one to one counselling while other modules deal with topics such as developmental psychology and counselling specific problems. ACCEPT can be contacted by telephone or fax at (01) 280 0280.