Adult Notes

The success of the community media course at Colaiste Dhulaigh in Coolock, Dublin, has convinced the organisers to go for a repeat…

The success of the community media course at Colaiste Dhulaigh in Coolock, Dublin, has convinced the organisers to go for a repeat performance. It provides training in photography, video, radio and computers, and is open to unemployed adults. The curriculum includes media analysis, sociology, politics and drama. It begins this month, but there are still a couple of places available. Applicants must be over 21 and in receipt of benefit for six months or more. Travel and meal allowances are provided, books and materials are free and there are no fees. For information contact Robert Quinn or Mary O'Connell (tel: (01) 847 4399).

Trinity College Dublin has a programme of afternoon, evening and weekend classes beginning in October. The subject matter is diverse ranging all the way from European architecture to languages, wildlife and children's fiction.

This year, for the first time, a continuation course in is being offered. This builds on the college's basic introductory course to Turkish language and culture and is designed to extend the learners' "survival" repertoire of spoken Turkish.

A booklet with details of the courses on offer is available from TCD (tel: (01) 677 2941).


The City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee and the Dublin Inner City Partnership have combined to produce a guide to adult and community education in the inner city. Useful for anyone living in the area who wants to know where courses are offered on what subjects, it also gives information about relevant national organisations and where to find local advice centres - and it lists more than 70 adult education providers and related services. For copies, contact the VEC at the Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 (tel: (01) 668 0614) or the Dublin Inner City Partnership at 16 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7 (tel: (01) 872 1321).

Lone parents and those on unemployment benefit interested in second chance education may be eligible for one of the Back to Education programmes run by the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs. These programmes enable those on benefit to attend courses while retaining their entitlements. The Department has produced a booklet with details of the schemes.

It's called Back to Education Programmes and it is available from the Department or local social welfare offices.

Olive Keogh

Olive Keogh

Olive Keogh is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business