Forty-eight per cent of child deaths in Europe are road related, the National Safety Council (NSC) revealed today.
The National Safety Council's video gives practical information on choosing and installing child car seats
Brian Farrell, spokesman for NSC told,: "Between 1996 and 2000 the number of children killed in cars on Irish roads was equal to three classes of primary school children. Many of these horrific deaths are preventable if parents know how to choose a car seat and how to use them."
The NSC was today unveiling a Child Safety in Cars DVD that aims to increase the number of children who are adequately restrained while travelling in a car, and to help parents to choose a suitable car seat and fit it properly.
The Council notes that even where car seats are used, they are often incorrectly fitted, and parents have expressed confusion over the manufacturers' instructions.
"The greatest risk a child is exposed to on a daily basis is when travelling as a passenger in a car. Ensuring a child is properly restrained in a child car seat can reduce injuries by up to 95 per cent," stated Alan Richardson, acting chief executive of the NSC.
"If you were bringing home an expensive DVD player you would be extremely careful to ensure it was strapped in properly but we to see unrestrained children in cars everyday," he added.
Legally a car driver is responsible for the restraint of a child in a car, but the NSC believes the legal requirements do not go far enough.
Mr Farrell said: "The law allows children between four and 17-years-old to be in the front seat held in by just a seatbelt. To protect children properly, NSC recommends that child should have some form of assistance in the car until they are at least 150cm tall - around the age of 12."
The NSC DVD, which has detailed advice on buying and installing child car seats, can be obtained by ringing Locall 1890-200844 or sending an e-mail to