The Dutch parliament today approved a contribution of up to €4.7 billion to a €110 billion European Union and IMF rescue plan for debt-stricken Greece.
A majority of parties -- including the Christian Democrats, Labour, Liberals, Christian Union and Green Left -- rejected a motion to block the aid, giving the Dutch government the green light to release the aid in the next three years.
The parliament approved a motion asking the government to start an initiative, in Europe or the Netherlands, for financial institutions to help finance part of Greece's debt by buying Greek treasuries.
Dutch finance minister Jan Kees de Jager said before the motions were put to a vote that he had already received support from the Dutch banking association NVB and would talk with its chairman.
NVB said on Thursday that banks would support the EU-IMF aid plan, and banks with exposure to Greek debt had agreed they would not speculate against those assets.
Major Dutch employer organisations are against Dutch bank help for Greece, arguing it could damage lending in the Dutch market.
France has approved the aid deal while the German parliament gave support earlier today.