Using the concept of turning base metal into gold as an allegory for the transformation of souls, The Salt Cycle explores a journey through the blood, sweat and tears of a life. Dancers Ella Clarke, Jonathan Mitchell, Grant McLay, Lisa McLoughlin, Katherine O'Malley and Jenny Roche interpret a triangular relationship, symbolising both creation and destruction. With choreography by artistic director Liz Roche, winner of the prestigious Peter Darrell Choreographic Award 2000, and music by Denis Roche, it is the second site-specific piece by the Rex Levitates Dance Company to be commissioned by Temple Bar Properties for Diversions Temple Bar and performed on its open-air stage at Meeting House Square next Thursday and Friday at 10 p.m. It's free of charge - although tickets must be booked in advance at Temple Bar Properties, 18 Eustace Street, Dublin 2.