Cypriot leaders meet for peace talks

Leaders of Cyprus's Greek and Turkish communities agreed today to meet again in three months for talks on reuniting the island…

Leaders of Cyprus's Greek and Turkish communities agreed today to meet again in three months for talks on reuniting the island and to reopen a barricaded street in Nicosia that symbolises division.

It was the first meeting between Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat since the Cypriot president was elected last month and raised hopes for reviving talks that are also crucial for Turkey's bid to join the European Union.

Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat shake hands before their meeting in Nicosia
Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat shake hands before their meeting in Nicosia

"The leaders have agreed to meet three months from now," said Michael Moller, the UN special representative in Cyprus, who hosted the meeting between the two men at a UN-controlled territory splitting Nicosia, Cyprus's war-divided capital.

"The leaders have also agreed Ledra Street, as soon as technically possible, should open and function," he added.


Greek and Turkish Cypriots have lived separately since a Turkish invasion in 1974 in response to a brief Greek-inspired coup. Peace efforts collapsed in 2004 when Greek Cypriots rejected a UN reunification blueprint accepted by Turkish Cypriots, and soon afterwards joined the European Union alone.

Analysts say this could now be the last chance to end the division, and diplomats fear an enduring stalemate would entrench partition, harming Turkey's EU entry hopes and relations with Nato partner Greece.

Mr Moller said the two sides had agreed to set up committees to discuss issues and the two leaders would then meet in three months to examine progress.

"I look forward ... to having in three months' time results which will help both of us have a dialogue under the auspices of the Secretary General," Mr Christofias told reporters. "We have to be optimistic anyway and we agreed that we shall work together in good will."

Former president Tassos Papadopoulos, defeated last month, made little progress towards reunification in talks with Mr Talat. Mr Christofias has maintained closer ties with Turkish Cypriots and, like Mr Talat, has a background in leftist political activism.

"This is a new era we are starting for the solution of the Cyprus problem. Our target is to find a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem as soon as possible," Mr Talat said after the meeting.

The Greek Cypriots in the south represent Cyprus in the European Union and have the right to prevent Turkey from joining the bloc.  An accord brokered by the United Nations in 2006 calling for an incremental approach to peace-building stalled over the agenda.