Cuba's Castro injures knee in fall after speech

Cuban President Fidel Castro has injured one of his knees and possibly an arm when he fell as he returned to his seat after making…

Cuban President Fidel Castro has injured one of his knees and possibly an arm when he fell as he returned to his seat after making a speech at a graduation ceremony in central Cuba.

Castro (78) as picked up by bodyguards who helped him into a chair after the fall at the graduation ceremony yesterday for art instructors in Santa Clara.

The Cuban president asked for a microphone and told the crowd of about 30,000 people, some of whom broke into tears when he fell, that there was no cause for alarm.

"Dear graduates and other guests, I ask your forgiveness for having fallen. To prevent speculation, I observe I have a fracture in the knee and maybe in an arm too, I'm not sure yet" he said.


"I will recover as soon as possible, but as you can see, I can speak even if they put me in plaster and I can continue my work."

Castro tripped suddenly after making the speech on the steps of the mausoleum which holds the remains of fellow-revolutionary Che Guevara.

Castro said he wanted no sadness and told organisrs to continue the musical show, receiving a standing ovation and cries of "Viva Fidel."  He joked that the picture of his fall would be on front pages of the world's newspapers the next day.