Two arrested at anti-bridge protest in Kilkenny

Arrests made when 20 gardaí arrived to escort trucks onto the site

Local protesters in Kilkenny to protest at a new bridge over the river Nore. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Two men protesting against the construction of a €4 million bridge in Kilkenny centre were arrested today by gardaí.

Both men were briefly held at Kilkenny Garda station before being released without charge. Files are being prepared for the DPP.

The men are part of a protest near Green’s Bridge that has run round the clock since work started five weeks ago.

Gardaí have been present to escort equipment and materials carried on to site by contractors working on the Central Access Scheme road project for Kilkenny County Council. Today's were the first arrests.


One of the men, Mark Stewart, said he told gardaí he thought the arrests were unlawful as protesters felt they had legal cause to be on the footpaths near Green's Bridge, at the entrance to the construction site.

“Our aim is not to block trucks,” he said. “Our aim is to peacefully protest on the footpath.”

Mr Stewart said he has never been arrested before but was “treated very well” by gardaí. “The handcuffs were a bit tight but that was it. Went straight back to the site [after his release] and had a cup of tea.”

Protesters said the other person arrested has Asperger’s Syndrome and his father was called to speak to gardaí.

Supt Padraig Dunne said the man was released into the custody of his father after a "minimal" amount of time at the Garda station.

The arrests happened at about 9am when at least 20 gardaí arrived to escort trucks.