PSNI arrest three after sudden death of young woman

Dead woman, named locally as Amy Reid (21), found at a house in Coagh, Co Tyrone

Police have arrested three people following the sudden death of a young woman in a house in Coagh, Co Tyrone yesterday.

The dead woman has been named locally as Amy Reid (21), from Coolnafranky Park in Cookstown and neighbours say there was a party at the house where she died.

A man was also taken to hospital

A spokesman for the PSNI said two men, aged 26 and 39, and a woman, aged 32, had been arrested in connection with drugs related enquiries. The three were briefly taken to hospital as a precaution.


They have since been released on police bail pending further enquiries.

A neighbour of the young woman Peter Cassidy, told BBC News the community was shocked by the news of Amy's sudden death.

“It’s a terrible tragedy,” he commented. “It’s another young life lost. She was just a 21-year-old with her whole life ahead of her. The people who live round and about her are really stunned.”