In Short

Other law stories in brief

Other law stories in brief

• TCD law students for Harvard

Twelve students from Trinity College have been selected to represent its law school at Harvard University's annual Model United Nations (HMUN), which convenes in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in February.

This year marks the 56th session of this model UN. Trinity's law school will be representing North Korea.


The delegates, three from each of the four years of the degree course, are: Jason Rudall, Lia Prender, Sean Joseph Darling, Nicole Ridge, Elizabeth Maye, Ronan Hickey, Andrew Zed, Brian Henry O Beirne, Ronan O'Reilly, John F Heffernan, Lorna Nic Lochlainn and Emma Louise Fenelon.

They are currently attempting to finance their trip, which includes paying for flights, accommodation and meals, and are seeking sponsorship. The law school is contributing a percentage of the fee for the delegation.

• Restorative Justice Lecture

The second annual Restorative Justice Lecture will take place in the Nova building, UCD, on Tuesday at 5.30pm. Organised by Restorative Justice Services and the UCD institute of criminology, Prof Ivo Aertsen of the Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium, will speak on the theme Developing Sustainable Policies in Restorative Justice.

Prof Aertsen is also vice-chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice. The lecture will be chaired by Judge James P McDonnell. Admission is by ticket only, and tickets are available from Angela Ennis of the institute of criminology at (01)-7168730.

• Turkey and Europe

The Institute of International European Affairs will host a talk on Turkey's accession to the EU on Thursday at 12.45pm at its office in North Great George's Street, Dublin. It will be given by Prof Sevket Pamuk of the European Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

• Conference on judicial review

The next Thomson Reuters Roundhall CPD conference is on judicial review and will take place on Saturday, November 22nd, in the Distillery Building, Church Street, Dublin. Chaired by Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman, it will be addressed by Gerard Hogan SC, Tony Collins SC, James O'Reilly SC and Michael Lynn BL.

• Legal executives celebrate

The Irish Institute of Legal Executives is celebrating its 21st anniversary with a gala dinner in the King's Inns on Friday, December 5th, which will be addressed by Judge Peter Smithwick and Dr Eamonn Hall.