In Short

A round-up of other Law news in brief

A round-up of other Law news in brief

UCC hosts postgraduate law conference

The Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights in UCC is holding its third annual postgraduate conference on April 30th next in the Brookfield Health Sciences Building, UCC.

It will focus on the intersection of law and politics and the tensions between liberty and political expediency.


The opening keynote address will be given by Prof Barbara Hudson of Lancashire Law School and the closing address by Maleiha Malik, Reader in Law, Kings College London.

For further information contact:

Conference on Criminal Law

The fourth Round Hall conference on criminal law takes place on Saturday April 25th next, from 9am to 1.30pm in the Law Library, Distillery Building.

Chaired by Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns, the conference will hear lectures from Frank Cassidy of the Criminal Assets Bureau, Alisdair A Gillespie of the Leicester De Montfort Law School, Genevieve Coonan BL, Tom O’Malley BL and Dr Brian Foley BL.


‘Arts and the Law’ to be debated

The annual Burren Law School will take place this year over the May bank holiday weekend in Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan, Co Clare and the theme this year is Arts and the Law.

It will feature debates involving the former chair of the Arts Council of England Sir Christopher Frayling, writer Fintan O’Toole and former journalist and political adviser Mary Kerrigan.

Further details on Bookings at 065 707 7200.

Forensic science and law in Galway

State Pathologist Prof Marie Cassidy will give the opening address to a conference on human rights and forensic science at NUI Galway on April 24th and 25th next.

The conference is co- hosted by the Irish Centre for Human Rights and the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification, University of Dundee, and will explore current and potential future application of forensic science disciplines in the field of human rights. For further information contact

ISEL Competition Law Forum

Maurice Collins SC will chair a forum on Administrative Fines for Competition Law Breaches organised by the Irish Society for European Law tomorrow, April 21st, at 6.30pm in BCM Hanby Wallace, Harcourt Street.

Preregistration by e-mail at


In the case MJELR Another -v- Equality Tribunal, Brian Murray SC and Tony Kerr BL were instructed by the Chief State Solicitor’s Office and Hugh Mohan SC and Rachel Casey BL by the tribunal.