Court says bingo hall is legal operation

THE OPERATORS of a 1,000-seat bingo hall in Cork were yesterday given the go-ahead to run the facility as an agent for a charity…

THE OPERATORS of a 1,000-seat bingo hall in Cork were yesterday given the go-ahead to run the facility as an agent for a charity after they won a High Court declaration that its activities were legal.

Omega Leisure Ltd had sought a declaration from the High Court that it was entitled to run the Rock Bingo Hall in Togher as an agent for a charity after obtaining a District Court licence.

Omega had sought the order in proceedings against Supt Charles Barry of Togher, the Garda Commissioner and the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General.

The defendants had argued that the operations were not lawful because Omega had been refused a licence at Cork District Court and was not entitled to use a licence obtained in another District Court.


Yesterday Mr Justice Frank Clarke, in confirming a preliminary judgment given on December 9th, ruled it was clear the licence obtained by Omega could come from any District Court.

The premises has been raided on a number of occasions by gardaí since December 9th. They have seized bingo books on foot of a warrant in the belief that the operation was not legal.

Mr Justice Clarke said that while it remained possible the matter might be revisited by way of appeal to the Supreme Court, the current position was Rock Bingo was a lawful operation.

Omega had also accused Supt Barry of a misuse of public office in his approach to the operation of the bingo hall. However Mr Justice Clarke dismissed this claim.

“I am not satisfied that Supt Barry was guilty of misfeasance in public office and the claim fails in that regard.”

He also dismissed a claim by Omega for trespass against the Garda.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times