Court case over drug searches settled

ACTIONS by the manager of Sachs Hotel, Dublin, and the company which runs the hotel, against a number of gardai and the State…

ACTIONS by the manager of Sachs Hotel, Dublin, and the company which runs the hotel, against a number of gardai and the State have been settled, the High Court was told yesterday.

Ms Brenda Flood and Genport Ltd sued Det Gardai Colm Church, Ray Murray and John O'Malley, the Garda Commissioner, Ireland and the Attorney General following searches on September 12th, 1988, in which no drugs were found.

Ms Flood sued for damages for breach of constitutional rights and false imprisonment. Genport Ltd sued, for damages for trespass.

Giving judgment on a preliminary issue in the case some months ago, Mr Justice Costello said that on September 12th, 1988, a search was carried out at the hotel and at Ms Flood's home at Cabinteely. No, drugs were found at either premises.


Mr Peter Charleton SC, for the three detective gardai, read a statement to the court yesterday in which they acknowledged and recognised that Ms Flood was a person of the utmost good character and always had been. The three defendants regretted the inevitable distress and inconvenience caused to Ms Flood and her family while they were acting in the course of their duty.

Mr Edward Comyn SC, for the Garda Commissioner, Ireland and the Attorney General, read a statement saying they would like to join the other defendants in acknowledging that Ms Flood was a person of the utmost good character and always had been.

Mr Justice O Higgins said he realised that the case was very difficult and stressful litigation for all the parties involved. He was delighted to hear that the parties had been able to come an agreement.