Revelations Film Production Ltd, a new Irish film company, plans to generate original Irish projects and to produce films here, nurturing Irish talent. Based in Mayfield, Cork, the firm's PR woman, Valerie Russell, says the fledgling company intends to strive hard to foster Irish individuality, seeking to give a window to new blood in both acting and music.
The company is now in pre-production for its first film, Nadir, a black comedy showing the "hedonistic lifestyle and ambiguous morals of the late '90s". It charts the lives of a group of young adults. The new film company will shoot a three-minute promotion in Cork on the weekend beginning on Friday and may also move to Waterford. The promotional shoot will cost about £5,000 but the Murphy Brewery in Cork has come up with the money.
The promos will be sent everywhere and there is great hope in all the smaller film companies that others can make it into the big time too. Then, there will be a period of waiting and even greater expectation.