Condition of British Chancellor’s baby worsens

The condition of British Chancellor Gordon Brown's daughter Jennifer has deteriorated over the last 24 hours.

The condition of British Chancellor Gordon Brown's daughter Jennifer has deteriorated over the last 24 hours.

Mr and Mrs Brown are still with their daughter at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where she is being treated for a cerebral haemorrhage, a spokesman for the couple said.

Jennifer, who was born on December 28th seven weeks premature, was transferred to the infirmary's specialist Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion on Friday.

The decision to move her from the Forth Park Hospital in Kirkcaldy, where she was born, was taken after doctors there became concerned at the result of an ultrasound scan.


Previously they had been pleased at the progress she was making despite weighing just 2lb 4oz at birth. She had been breathing independently and tolerating small amounts of food.

On Thursday Mrs Brown (37) had been told that she could go home although Jennifer had been expected to remain in hospital until the middle of next month.

Mr and Mrs Brown have remained with their daughter constantly since her transfer to Edinburgh.