Catholic primate talks of 'moral duty' in safeguarding children

The Catholic primate Cardinal Seán Brady has spoken of “the moral and civic duty on everyone with responsibility for safeguarding…

The Catholic primate Cardinal Seán Brady has spoken of “the moral and civic duty on everyone with responsibility for safeguarding children to implement all statutory guidelines” on reporting allegations of abuse and on working in full cooperation with the relevant statutory authorities.

This principle "has been at the heart of all agreed Church guidelines since 1996", he said.

In his first public comment since a damning report on child protection practices in Cloyne diocese was published on December 19th last by the Church's own independent watchdog, the National Board for Safeguarding Children (NBSC) in the Catholic Church in Ireland, he said that its findings had "brought further anxiety to victims of abuse."

The findings had also raised questions over the efforts by many thousands committed to implement statutory and agreed Church policies on safeguarding children throughout Ireland, he said.

"I realise the extent to which so many people now feel let down, angry and bewildered by recent events," he said in a statement.

He made no comment on the Bishop of Cloyne Most Rev John Magee.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times