Case between massage therapist and Flatley settled out of court

A case involving a massage therapist and Lord of the Dance star Michael Flatley has been settled.

A case involving a massage therapist and Lord of the Dance star Michael Flatley has been settled.

Ms Derry Ann Morgan (44), of Saoirse, Ballyboughal, Co Dublin, sued Mr Flatley. Proceedings were also taken by him. The case has been before the High Court in Dublin on a number of occasions but was adjourned from time to time without being opened.

In court yesterday, Mr Denis McDonald for Mr Flatley told Mr Justice Geoghegan that the proceedings had been settled and could be struck out, with the terms between the parties remaining confidential.

Ms Morgan had issued a claim for damages against Mr Flatley alleging she was employed by him to go on the show's tour and work with him.


It is understood Mr Flatley claimed the show was produced by a British company, Unicorn Entertainment Ltd, and that Ms Morgan was retained as a massage therapist and healer to the cast and himself.

He was also understood to be claiming that it was the company which terminated the arrangement in November 1997 while the show was in Australia.

Ms Morgan worked for 15 years in a number of capacities with Aer Lingus and trained as a massage therapist. From May 1996 to November 1997 with Lord of the Dance she toured several countries, including Australia, the US and Britain.

Afterwards, Ms Morgan said in a statement that she was delighted and relieved that a settlement had been agreed.