Cardinal Brady to deliver address at Humbert School

THE CATHOLIC primate Cardinal Seán Brady will deliver the Bishop Stock address in St Patrick's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Killala…

THE CATHOLIC primate Cardinal Seán Brady will deliver the Bishop Stock address in St Patrick's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Killala, Co Mayo, at this year's Humbert School. It takes place at midday on Sunday, August 24th.

Another highlight of this year's school will be presentations of the Humbert Civil Rights Award to John Hume and Austin Currie, marking the 40th anniversary of the Derry civil rights march on October 5th, 1968, and the work of the civil rights movement generally in Northern Ireland.

The main theme of this year's school, from August 21st to 24th, primarily at the Newman Institute in Ballina, is the Lisbon Treaty referendum.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny will take part with Labour Party deputy leader Joan Burton and Mayo Fianna Fáil TD Dara Calleary in a debate on Challenges to the Cowen Government, at 10.30am on August 22nd.


At 11.45am the next day, Libertas chairman Declan Ganley; Ulick McEvaddy, chief executive Omega Air; Fine Gael senator Eugene Regan and former secretary general at the Department of Foreign Affairs Noel Dorr, will address the theme Europe with or without Lisbon.

That evening guest speakers at the Humbert dinner in the Downhill Hotel will be First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond and PJ Mara, honorary consul of Jamaica.

Other speakers this year will include Mary O'Rourke TD; Senator Frances Fitzgerald; Fr Seán Healy of Cori; journalists Paul Gillespie, Brendan Keenan, Seán Boyne, John Drennan, Tim Pat Coogan and Michael Kelly; Oireachtas reporter Tim Ryan; lecturer Ed Kelly; public affairs specialist Noel Coghlan; Terry Nolan, managing director Shell EP Ireland, and solicitor Joe Noonan.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times