Canada investigates possible link to attacks

Canadian authorities are investigating claims those who carried out the attacks in New York and Washington entered the United…

Canadian authorities are investigating claims those who carried out the attacks in New York and Washington entered the United States through Canada.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said it was looking into all possible Canadian links with the US terrorist attacks.

Yesterday, the Boston Heraldreported two of the suspected terrorists aboard one of the hijacked airliners which was flown into one of New York's two World Trade Center towers, had entered the United States from Canada.

The report said the two men boarded a ferry in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, entered the United States in Maine and then boarded the airliners in Boston that they later hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center.


Asked about these reports, Prime Minister Mr Jean Chretien told a press conference he would not speculate on the matter.

But he said later in a CNNinterview: "We have no indication from our security that they used Canada to go there. It is a possibility, but we do not know".

Late last night, US television network ABC, citing an unnamed source, reported that up to a dozen people involved in the attacks crossed the US-Canadian border from Quebec into Jackson, Maine. Not all were hijackers aboard the planes, it said.