Campaigners appeal for 'massive' protest tomorrow

Anti-bin-charge campaigners called for a "massive" demonstration in Dublin tomorrow following the jailing of 10 more protesters…

Anti-bin-charge campaigners called for a "massive" demonstration in Dublin tomorrow following the jailing of 10 more protesters.

A march from Parnell Square to Mountjoy Prison, where a number of those jailed yesterday are being held, has been organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions.

Campaigners called for the demonstration to be made into a "massive show of opposition" to bin charges and the jailing of protesters.

"We call on the trade union movement to pull out all the stops to ensure this is the case," the Fingal Anti-Bin Tax Campaign said in a statement.


Three trade unions, SIPTU, the Technical, Engineering and Electrical Union (TEEU) and the ATGWU, also called on members to support the protest.

The SIPTU president, Mr Jack O'Connor, said yesterday's jailings were "a highly provocative action with nothing but negative consequences in the present crisis".

"Instead of seeking ways to resolve this issue, the authorities at both national and local level seem to be determined to inflame the situation further by seeking the imposition of totally disproportionate punishments on people who have engaged in acts of civil disobedience," he said.

Urging workers and their families to "make their feelings known" by supporting tomorrow's demonstration, he said the "bin tax" was unjustifiable on grounds of equity.

This was not only because the levy varied from one local authority area to another, but also because the charges were being imposed to make up for cuts in Government grants to local authorities.

Mr Eamon Devoy, acting general secretary of the TEEU, said there was one law for the working class and another for the "wealthy backers" of Fianna Fáil and the PDs.

The march is due to begin at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, at noon. The protesters jailed yesterday were being held at the training unit at Mountjoy, Clover Hill prison and the Dochas Centre, Mountjoy women's prison.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times