Business centre targeted in pipe bomb attack

Bombers who today attacked a North Belfast business centre may have been captured on security cameras, it was revealed today.

Bombers who today attacked a North Belfast business centre may have been captured on security cameras, it was revealed today.

Detectives investigating the incident at a cafe in the North City Business Centre have taken away a video for examination.

It is believed those responsible climbed over a fence and placed a pipe bomb device at the back wall of the cafe which is in the sectarian interface at Duncairn Gardens.

Superficial damage was caused but no-one was injured.


According to sources, the target may have been building workers completing a contract inside the centre.

It is believed that the owner of the firm had received a threat a few days earlier.

The owner of the cafe did not want to comment but one businessman said it was the first time the centre had been targeted.

The attack happened just before Stormont social development minister and North Belfast MP Nigel Dodds announced a Stg£16.5 million housing investment in the neighbouring Gainsborough and Mountcollyer areas.

It was, he said, a further brick in the rebuilding of North Belfast.

The new scheme will involve getting rid of unsightly and unfit housing to enable a process of regeneration to begin.

Mr Dodds said: "This will hopefully provide a sound basis for the restoration of confidence in this part of North Belfast."

Sinn Féin accused the loyalist Ulster Defence Association of attacking Catholic workmen at the centre.

Gerard Brophy, a councillor for the area, said it was evidence the paramilitaries were trying to thwart attempts to resolve tensions.

Mr Brophy said it was the third attack to take place since the protest at Holy Cross Primary School was called off.

"For some time now Catholic and nationalist workmen have been threatened, intimidated and attacked while working on sites in and around this area," he said.

He said it was clear the Holy Cross protest was part of a wider sectarian campaign waged by loyalists particularly in north Belfast. "This morning's attack signals to all concerned the role that the UDA intend to play in resolving the problems faced by the people of north Belfast."

A police spokeswoman said: "A pipebomb device exploded inside the perimeter fence to the rear of premises at North City Business Centre.

"Minor damage was caused and there were no reports of any injuries. Army technical officers attended and a number of items have been removed for examination."