Bush picks new homeland security secretary

US President George W

US President George W. Bush has picked former New York City police commissioner Mr Bernard Kerik as his new homeland security secretary, according to officials.

Meanwhile, the latest member of Mr Bush's cabinet quit today. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson resigned, a government official said.

Officials said last night that Mr Bush chose Mr Kerik to replace Mr Tom Ridge, who announced his resignation on Tuesday, to lead US efforts to protect the country from September 11-type attacks. An announcement could come as early as today.

Mr Kerik helped the city respond to the September 11th, 2001, attacks and trained Iraqi police.


As Mr Bush continues an overhaul of his second-term cabinet, there are indications he is close to nominating a replacement for Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, who has announced his resignation.

In addition, Health and Human Services Secretary Mr Tommy Thompson seems set to announcing his resignation.