Bush declares victory and appeals for national unity

The President of the United States Mr George W Bush has declared victory over his Democratic rival Senator John Kerry and appealed…

The President of the United States Mr George W Bush has declared victory over his Democratic rival Senator John Kerry and appealed for Americans to unite as "one country, one constitution and one future."

Speaking to supporters gathered at at the Reagan centre in Washington, Mr Bush renewed his commitment to the war in Iraq, an issue which has sharply divided the nation and promised to fight terrorism "with every resource of our national power".

Mr Bush also referred to those who had voted against him and said: "to make this nation stronger and better I will need your support and I will work to earn it," he said.

"I will do all I can do to deserve your trust. A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation.


"We are one country, one constitution and one future that binds us, and when we come together and work together there is no limit to the greatness of America."

Mr Bush , who won the popular vote by 51% to 48%, was introduced on stage  by Vice President Dick Cheney who said the President had a mandate for a second term.

As Mr Bush spoke, he was joined on stage by his wife Laura and twin daughters Barbara and Jenna. He said: "America has spoken and I am humbled by the trust and confidence of my fellow citizens."

He said he had a "duty to serve all Americans and I will do my best to fulfil that duty every day as your president". He praised the "spirited" campaign waged by Senator Kerry and said the Democrat's supporters could be proud.

He described Mr Kerry's concession telephone call as "gracious".

Mr Bush now faces four more years in the White House with a nation sharply divided over Iraq, with a huge budget deficit and a desperate need for new jobs.