Belfast City Council has appointed Bottomline Technologies to implement anti-fraud measures in its finance section.
Bottomline provides Financial Resource Management (FRM) software which will streamline the council's accounts and protect its payments against fraud.
The council, which is the biggest of 29 councils in Northern Ireland, will adopt Bottomline‘s i-Pay Cheques which will ensure that all cheque payments, regardless of which account they are generated from, will be issued on the same personalised cheque paper and laser printed within the finance Section.
"At Belfast City Council, we have four accounts that need to have payments raised and issued," Ms Kathleen Edgar, the Council's chief cashier, explained.
"With the introduction of i-Point, we will be able to tie those accounts and our accounting package together with one solution.
"This will enable BACS payments to be raised for salaries, pensions and supplier payments and the remittance advices to be automatically faxed to the appropriate location."
Total investment in the project is expected to be Stg£39,000.