Bogus account-holders face deadline today

Holders of bogus non-resident accounts have until today to pay off unpaid tax, penalties and interest.

Holders of bogus non-resident accounts have until today to pay off unpaid tax, penalties and interest.

Revenue Commissioners set the deadline in October and said they had identified 13,500 non-resident accounts with Irish addresses. In all, about 30,000 names were associated with the accounts, Revenue said.

Revenue compiled the list of names arising from information supplied by financial institutions under High Court orders. A list of the names involved in cases, where settlement exceeds €12,700, will be published.

Fianna Fáil's Mr Seán Fleming called on account-holders to come clean today.


"Tax evaders are not above the law," he said.

"Tax evasion comes with a price and the time has come once again for offenders to pay it."

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times