Blaneys take opposing sides on referendum

Two members of the Blaney political dynasty in Co Donegal are on opposing sides of the Lisbon Treaty debate, writes Dermot Keys…

Two members of the Blaney political dynasty in Co Donegal are on opposing sides of the Lisbon Treaty debate, writes Dermot Keys.

The late Neil Blaneys son, Annraoi Blaney, gave a press conference yesterday on behalf of the No campaign.

His cousin, Niall Blaney TD, campaigned for a Yes vote alongside his Fianna Fáil constituency representatives.

Annraoi Blaney said he felt obliged to campaign against the treaty due to the disbandment of Independent Fianna Fáil, the party founded by former minister Neil Blaney following his expulsion from Fianna Fáil in 1971.


“I feel very strongly that if it goes through, there is no going back,” Annraoi Blaney said yesterday.

“Were giving away so much.

“We’re being codded into believing there is going to be some benefit.”

Annraoi Blaney noted that his grandfather, former TD Neal Blaney was involved in the fight for Irelands sovereignty.

He questioned why Ireland would sacrifice its sovereignty, and why Mr Blaney and Fianna Fáil were supporting this.

“I have to ask what my cousin is doing with his party advocating a Yes vote.” Annraoi Blaney said.

Dressed in a T-shirt that said “No to Lisbon – Hospitals Not Helicopters”, Annraoi Blaney dismissed the Yes campaign’s suggestions that a No vote would have a negative impact on the Irish economy.

“That’s an absolute nonsense,” he said, adding that Ireland was tied into the euro zone.

Niall Blaney rejoined Fianna Fáil in 2006.