Attacks: recent bloodshed

May 1st: Bombing at a funeral for a Kurdish official in Tal Afar, near Mosul in northern Iraq, kills at least 30 people.

May 1st: Bombing at a funeral for a Kurdish official in Tal Afar, near Mosul in northern Iraq, kills at least 30 people.

May 4th: A suicide bomber kills more than 60 people at the Kurdistan Democratic Party office in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil. The Army of Ansar al-Sunna claims responsibility.

May 6th: A suicide car bomb at a vegetable market in Suwayra, south of Baghdad, kills 31 people. Jamaat Jund al-Sahaba (Soldiers of the Prophet's Companions) claims responsibility.

May 7th: Two suicide car bombs explode close to a foreign civilian security convoy in Baghdad, killing 22 people. Al-Qaeda's wing in Iraq claims responsibility.


May 11th: Four suicide bombs kill at least 71 people in Tikrit, Hawija and Baghdad.

May 23rd: At least 56 Iraqis are killed in car bomb attacks in Baghdad and Tal Afar, west of the northern city of Mosul.

May 30th: Two suicide bombers blow themselves up among crowds of Iraqis in Hilla, south of Baghdad, killing 27.

June 2nd: At least 24 people are killed in motorcycle and car bombs attacks in Tuz Khurmatu, Baquba, Kirkuk and Mosul.

June 14th: A suicide bomber kills at least 18 people in Kirkuk.

July 2nd: A suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest kills up to 20 people, most of them hoping for police jobs, outside a base in western Baghdad. Al-Qaeda's Iraq wing claims responsibility.

July 10: A suicide bomber kills at least 21 and wounds more than 40 at the Muthanna airfield recruitment station in Baghdad.

July 13: Twenty-seven people, many of them children, are killed and 67 wounded in Baghdad by a suicide car bomb near a patrol where US forces were handing out sweets.

July 16: A suicide bomber in a fuel truck near a Shia mosque causes devastation in the town of Musayyib, near Kerbala.

At least 98 people are killed and 75 wounded.