Alleged sex assault by boys to be investigated

NORTHERN IRELAND : The PSNI has handed over allegations that two four-year-old boys were sexually assaulted by boys aged eight…

NORTHERN IRELAND: The PSNI has handed over allegations that two four-year-old boys were sexually assaulted by boys aged eight and nine to the North's social services to investigate, it was confirmed last night.

The allegations were first made to the PSNI but because of the young age of the boys who allegedly assaulted the two four-year-olds the case was passed on to the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.

“We can confirm that we received these two reports of this nature. Due to the age of those involved this has been referred to social services,” said a PSNI spokeswoman.

The social care trust was not in a position to offer any detail about the allegations last night. “The trust is investigating this incident and is providing support to the families,” was all a spokeswoman could say.


The boys cannot be charged with any criminal offences because of their ages.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times