My holidays

Author Colette Caddle

Author Colette Caddle

What was your best holiday?

We usually go abroad for the good weather because once the kids are out, they are happy and I can relax. However, last year we went to Clifden and I was very nervous because of the unreliable weather. But even though the weather wasn’t great we had a ball and the kids were out in the water impervious to the freezing cold.

We went touring around Connemara and came across an amazing beach called Dogs Bay – it was like the Caribbean without a shingle or stone on it and with clear and pure water. It had the real wow factor. When Ireland is dry it serves all your wants.


What was your worst holiday?

I went to a fabulous resort in Spain a few years ago. But sadly, my eldest aged 20 months at the time got an ear infection and screamed for the full week. I couldn’t wait to get home and was like John Paul II kissing the ground when we landed!

If budget or work were no restriction what would be your dream holiday?

There are so many places I would love to see: New Zealand, India and Japan. But because I am the organiser of the family the dream would be that no matter where we went someone else would do all the arranging. They would say here is the ticket, here’s where you going and all you have to do is turn up. I love being near the water and love wine. So maybe they would bring me to the vineyard in the morning and then the beach. But most importantly there would be no stress and no time constraints.

Who would you bring on holiday with you if you had your pick?

I prefer staying in houses or villas rather than hotels. So I’d love to bring a chef with me to serve up food so I wouldn’t have to think, someone who was a bit of a character and good company, and would also do the washing up!

What’s your favourite place in Ireland?

Dublin. I am happy walking on the beach at Portmarnock or Howth. Dublin is so close to the mountains, the beach and the canal and I love the buzz of the city centre. In my line of work I like to go places I can think.

Your recommended holiday reading?

I usually go for something completely different to what I write – so a thriller or a comedy. I always remember making a show of myself many years ago reading The Horse Whisperer by the pool in Spain and crying my eyes out at the end of it!

Where will you go to next?

When the weather allows I will hop in the car and take a long weekend break somewhere in Ireland. I’ll follow my nose but the kids are at an age where they want to see places.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY

Author Colette Caddle’s novel Every Time We Say Goodbye is published by Simon Schuster (€12.99)