Go outdoors

FRANCIS BRADLEY with the weekly round-up for those who love the outdoors...

FRANCIS BRADLEYwith the weekly round-up for those who love the outdoors...

Navigation skills

Club Cualann is a walking and climbing club based in the Dublin/Wicklow area that organises a walk every Sunday. It is offering a free introductory navigation and skills course in the Enniskerry area on March 13th and 14th. The course will be available to new members joining on or before that date. Membership is €45 for individuals or €70 for a couple. Clubcualann.ie, 087-6892427.

Holey Soles


The Holey Soles hillwalking club is holding its 16th annual North Leitrim Glens hillwalking festival on Easter weekend, April 3rd and 4th. There will be a medium and long walk each day with a ramble organised for Sunday with a guide. The cost is €16 for one day or €28 for two, and the short ramble costs €10. Food and entertainment is at the Granary Restaurant, Manorhamilton on Saturday night (€15). 086-8418843 or http://sites.google.com/site/hshillwalkers.

An evening with the stars

Wicklow Mountains National Park, in association with the Irish Astronomical Society, is presenting a talk on the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn on Saturday, March 6th, at 7pm in the Education Centre, Glendalough, Co Wicklow. This will be followed by star gazing in the Upper Lake car park, where members of the Irish Astronomical Society will have powerful telescopes set up. The event is weather dependent, suitable for all the family, and booking is not necessary. Call 0404-45425 on the day to check that the event will take place.