Muddy dating Muddy Matches, a dating site for country-minded, or muddy, people, is hosting its first event on Irish soil

Muddydating Muddy Matches, a dating site for country-minded, or muddy, people, is hosting its first event on Irish soil. Teaming up with the walking-tour company HilltopTreks.ie, it is hosting a guided walk and dinner in the Glendalough region of Wicklow (pictured) on February 7th. Tickets, which cost €56, must be bought in advance. See www.hilltoptreks.ie/walk_ valentine.htm.

Mountain charity challengeThe 14th annual Kerry Charity Challenge, in aid of visually impaired people, takes place from Friday, March 27th to Sunday, March 29th, based at the Brandon Hotel, in Tralee. The cost of €195 includes two nights' bed and breakfast, plus a gala dinner and entertainment on Saturday evening. Participants can climb Carrauntoohil in the company of an experienced guide, complete a challenging walk on Mount Brandon or enjoy a choice of easier, low-level walks. Contact Michael Sutton on 086-4009989 or michaelsutton1949@gmail.com.

GAA 125th anniversaryThe GAA has launched a nationwide calendar of events to take place throughout 2009 to mark 125 years since the establishment of the association, in Thurles, Co Tipperary, on November 1st, 1884. The GAA kicks off its celebrations with the League Opening Extravaganza, at Croke Park on January 31st. See www.gaa.ie.

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