Our wedding story: Love on the Mayo sea

Christopher Gaughan and Bernadette Davies-McGreal got married on a boat in Clew Bay

Christopher Gaughan & Bernadette Davies-McGreal got married on the summer solstice, June 21st. Photographer: Michael McLaughlin

Chris, a walking guide from Enniscrone in Co Sligo, and Bernie from London, met salsa dancing in Blousers of Westport in 2007, and have, they say, “been dancing ever since”.

As Bernie’s late father Martin McGreal grew up in The Deerpark in Co Mayo and Chris’s mother was from Kilmeena on the other side of Clew Bay, that’s where the couple decided to marry.

“The whole setting had significant spiritual meaning to both of us,” says Bernie, a writer working on her first novel. “Choosing a venue such as this, against the majestic backdrop of Croagh Patrick and our home, goes some way to capture the pure essence of the surroundings we live in and to count our blessings.

“We came up with the idea of getting married on a boat, and once we approached Tom King (of Clew Bay Cruises), he couldn’t have been any more enthusiastic.”


On June 21st, 2016, the summer solstice, the couple were collected from the Knockranny House Hotel, by jarvey, Kevin O’Reilly and Bella the horse and then boarded Spiorad Naomh Phadraig. They sailed out to Clew Bay where their ceremony took place opposite their home, which they had shared with Bernie’s father. The ceremony – led by Dara Molloy – included three readings (The Cherokee Prayer, Apache Wedding Prayer and an Irish Blessing), hand-fasting and ended with a blessing. Both Chris and Bernie’s parents – Martin and Eida McGreal and Owen and Nora Gaughanare – are deceased but they were honoured with a prayer.

On their return from honeymoon in Paxos, Greece, they celebrated in the Westport Woods and were joined by the Westport Salsa Group – who brought them together in the first place.

Photographer: Michael McLaughlin