'Know you can go that extra mile'

MY RUNNING LIFE: When 47-year-old Catriona Rainsford gave up smoking, she put on two stone – which was the motivation she needed…

MY RUNNING LIFE:When 47-year-old Catriona Rainsford gave up smoking, she put on two stone – which was the motivation she needed to get moving

When did you start running and why?I have been attending a gym for the past 12 months, having given up the cigarettes over two years ago and put on two stone in weight. I started jogging only about two months ago to try to add a bit of variety into my exercise regime and to stop myself becoming bored and complacent. I've now caught the bug and am really enjoying it.

Where's your regular run route?Having initially used only the treadmill, on a recent holiday to Guardamar del Segura in Spain I ventured outdoors through the pine groves and along the beautiful marina there. Although the weather in this country is slightly less kind than that of our Mediterranean friends, since my return, I alternate between the treadmill and jogging in my local parks – Johnstown in Finglas and Albert College in Ballymun.

What are you training for?I'm currently training for the Dublin 10km Tunnel Run on Sunday, August 12th, in aid of Focus Ireland – a charity that is doing Trojan work. Although I have supported them in the past, I have never fundraised on their behalf or participated in any of their events.


I thought I might as well put the training I’m doing to some good use other than trying to get me back into the shape I was before quitting the cigarettes.

What's your aim for the race?To finish it alive! All joking aside, I hope to finish in around an hour.

But I have promised myself that no matter what happens – even if I have to crawl it – I will finish.

Your aim for the year?To do a number of 5km and 10km runs and to hopefully improve my times as well as my fitness level.

Are you a morning or evening runner?As I'm already up at 6.15am just to get to work, I'm definitely an evening runner.

Good or bad diet?It was pretty bad after quitting the cigarettes but I have turned it around and now I'm fairly conscious of what I eat, although I'm not a slave to it and can be found from time to time having a good old binge on absolute and utter rubbish.

Do you have a personal trainer?No, but the guys in the all-ladies gym I go to, Premier Fitness, are really helpful and have designed various training programmes for me over the last 12 months.

What's your average training week?I train five days a week with a mixture of various different studio classes – spin, bootcamp, circuit training and so on – as well as running. I'm still at a relatively slow pace but I try to cover between five and eight kilometres per session.

What do you wear on your feet?New Balance – very comfortable and great arch support.

What's on your iPod when running?101 Running Songs – great motivational music for the reluctant runner.

Ever been chased by an animal?No but I'm sure if I was then my pace would be a darn sight faster than it is at present.

Any niggly injuries?None, tip wood – but I hope I haven't jinxed myself by saying that.

Favourite running tip?No matter what your age or fitness level, always believe in yourself and know that you can go that extra mile. But, at the end of the day, even if it's only an inch, you are continuing to strive to achieve your "personal best".