A guide to events, conferences and courses.
Course: diploma in applied project management. Recommences in Cork in January, 2006. Details: 01-6614677. Email: info@projectmanagement.ie or www.projectmanagement.ie.
Course: furniture design (FETAC level two), one-year course.
Course: garden design (FETAC level two), one-year course.
Course: graphic design (BTEC higher national diploma), two-year course with degree progression.
Course: fashion design (FETAC level two), one-year course. BTEC higher national diploma, two-year degree progression. Details: 01-2866233.
CPD: chairing meetings. November 7th. Clyde Road.
CPD: AutoCAD ECDL. November 9th & 10th. Liffey Valley
CPD: accreditation of engineers education programmes. November 10th, Clyde Road.
CPD: financial training for engineers. November 15th, Clyde Road.
Seminar: project management seminar. November 17th, Clyde Road.
CPD: company of the year award. November 16th, Clyde Road.
CPD: web design using dream weaver. November 16th, New Liffey Valley.
Seminars: members' professional development seminars. Topics: facilities management and Private Residential Tenancies Bill. The Imperial Hotel, South Mall, Cork city. Today at 7pm and the Radisson Hotel, Galway on November 21st, 7pm.
Meeting: the board of directors of the Confederation of European Estate Agents. November 12th, Bratislava, Slovakia at 10am.
Awards ceremony: graduation for part-time students - education awards ceremony to graduates of IPAV's certificate in auctioneering and estate agency course. Institute of Technology, Waterford. November 18th at 6pm. The Radisson Hotel, Galway, November 21st.
Awards ceremony: graduation for full-time students - education awards ceremony to graduates of IPAV's certificate in auctioneering and estate agency course. November 25th, UCD, O'Reilly Hall, Belfield, Dublin 4.
Conference: annual conference, Dublin. The next phase - high density, high risk, high rise. November 4th, 8.30am. Registration: 8am. Radisson SAS, St Helen's Hotel.
Event: introduction to the assessment of professional competence - quantity surveying and building surveying. November 15th, 6.30pm. Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square.
Event: building surveying final assessment interviews. November 9th, Montrose Hotel, Dublin.
Event: quantity surveying final assessment interviews. November 8th, Gresham Metropole Hotel, Cork.
Evening: quantity surveying final assessment interviews. November 10th, Montrose Hotel, Dublin. Details: Louise Ryan, 01-6765500 or visit www.scs.ie.
Courses: interior design, RHODEC. First year, mornings only. Landscape and garden design, BTEC degree progression. Auctioneering,IPAV. Details: 1800-2655343. Email: info@scd.ie or www.scd.ie.
Seminar: Chris Wood, English Heritage, one-day seminar. November 25th. Cost: €160.
Exhibition: presenting architecture - 20th century drawing and models from the collections of the Irish Architectural Archive. Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10am to 5pm, 45 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Tel: 01-6633040. Email: info@iarc.ie or visit www.iarc.ie.
Event: what's climate change and what's not. Speaker: Dr Brendan McWilliams. November 8th, 8pm. Tickets: €8.
Event: wildlife in winter. Speaker: Dr Declan Doogue. November 12th, 2.15pm to 4pm. Tickets: €5. All events take place at Airfield, Upper Kilmacud Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14.
Tutorials: BSc course tutorials (first, second, third and fourth years). November 5th. DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin (King's Inn Street entrance).
Tutorials: residential and land agency course tutorials. November 5th. DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1 (King's Inn Street entrance).
Seminar: the CPO claim. Speaker: Martin O'Donnell. November 9th at 10am, Ambassador Hotel, Cork.
Seminar: tax, pensions and the efficient acquisition of property. Speaker: Ned Gladney (AITI director OSK Tax). November 10th, 5.30pm, 38 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
Seminar: marketing their properties and your business. Speaker: Cormac Meehan, FIAVI. November 16th, 10am. The Seven Oaks Hotel, Carlow.
Tutorials: BSc course tutorials (first, second, third and fourth years). November 19th, DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin (King's Inn Street entrance).
Seminar: the A-Z of rent reviews. Speaker: Paul Good. November 23rd, 10am. The Sligo Park Hotel, Sligo.
Meeting: Northern Ireland regional meeting and seminar. Topic: Domestic Rating Revaluation. Speaker: David Rainey. November 23rd, 7.30pm. Ramada Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast.
Seminar: mortgage valuations. Speaker: Aine Myler. November 24th, 5.30pm. The National College of Ireland, IFSC.
Course: green building with Colin Bell. November 5th.
Course: green your business and home. November 19th. Bookings: 071-9854338 or email organiccentre@eircom.net.
Awards: Fulbright awards for study/research in the US. Applications for the Irish Fulbright Commission's annual awards programme for the 2006-07 academic year is open. Closing date: November 18th. Awards of €15,000 to €18,000 to graduate students to pursue postgraduate studies in the US, plus a number of post-doctoral scholar awards of up to €10,000 for one academic year. Details: www.fulbright.ie.
Lecture: The FIDIC forms of contract. Speaker: Nael G Bunni. Today: 6pm to 9pm. Education Centre, Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Dublin 4. Admission: free.
• Organisations should send entries to Mary Hetherington before noon on Thursday for inclusion the following Thursday. Telephone 01 675 8000; fax: 01 675 8037; e-mail: mhetherington@irish-times.ie