The battle lines are being drawn yet again in the on-going first time, An Bord Pleanala has appointed three inspectors to conduct the appeal on the planned office and conference centre. There is to be a preliminary hearing on February 9th, followed by a full hearing starting on February 20th, which is likely to continue for at least a full week. The board has indicated that it hopes to give its decision by July 17th at the latest.
In what was widely seen as a Solomon judgement, Dublin Corporation granted planning permission last August for just two of the 26 buildings proposed - the national conference centre and one office block. It also capped the overall size of the development at 4.6 million sq. ft. In effect, the Corpo rejected the master plan proposed by veteran Irish-born architect Kevin Roche.
Because the Corpo's decision was so precise, it is not expected the developers will get any joy out of the board, especially in the wake of the board's refusal to give Cosgraves planning permission for a high rise scheme at Georges Quay.