Why I Love To ... Walk the dogs

The headspace and calm I get from my time with the pups each evening is invaluable

Lorraine Mulligan and her four-legged friends

Walking my four-legged best friends is a massively therapeutic daily ritual that I couldn't do without. My fiance, Aaron, and I are the proud owners of five dogs – a little female cockapoo called Mini (she is my favourite as she has been with me through thick and thin); her puppy Bruno, who is totally loveable and licks everyone to death, especially kids; a cheeky little teacup Yorkshire terrier called Cheeko, who thinks he is a Rottweiler; Phoebe Buffae, who is a little mix of a bison frise and a Maltese; and our latest doggie addition, a rescue named Luna, who I think is a mix of a chihuahua and a Jack Russell. She is an incredible little dog and has taken to her new loving family fantastically.

The great thing about dogs is that they are always thrilled to see you – their love is unconditional. They never give out to me if I get home late, waiting all day for that golden moment when Aaron and I bring them for their walk in the nearby Castletown Estate in Celbridge. It’s so beautiful and peaceful there, the perfect tranquil antidote to our hectic lives. The dogs need their exercise, even small ones, and it’s important to give them that time each day.

It’s also a great way for Aaron and me to socialise with other walkers, which I love. We have met so many interesting people through our strolls, sharing our own stories and hearing theirs. Over the years we have even found a couple of lost dogs on our way and reunited them with their owners – there’s never a dull moment. For me, the headspace and calm I get from my time with the pups each evening is invaluable. Dogs are magical little creatures that need love, attention, positive reinforcement and quality time spent with them. What I receive from them in return is tenfold.

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