Why I love to . . . DRESS

Since embarking of my health prescription I haven’t looked back

Sean Munsanje: “I’ve a way to go but feeling good was most important to me and I’ve already achieved that.”

It was my brother who recommended I get a “prescription for health” a couple of months ago and I haven’t looked back. I sat down with a trainer and talked about my lifestyle, stress levels, sleeping patterns, what I wanted to target physique-wise and what my diet was like.

After that I got a prescription called DRESS: Diet, Rest/Recovery, Exercise, Stress and Supplements.

Each one changes every week as my needs and goals change. That’s what I love about it. It’s so detailed I know exactly what I’m doing.

I do two 30-minute exercise sessions in the gym every week and in-between I train twice with weights at home. I feel great and I’m learning how the mind, your health, and the body are all interlinked. I’m even meditating.


The belly is disappearing more and more and I’m gaining muscle on my arms and legs. I’ve a way to go but feeling good was most important to me and I’ve already achieved that. Training is tough but the ever-changing DRESS approach keeps me focused.

Sean Munsanje is a radio DJ and TV presenter

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