‘You will always be forever our beautiful boy Shay-Shay’: Funeral remembers ‘sweet’ boy who died in swimming pool

Shay (James) Lynch (7) died following a tragic accident at a Co Clare hotel pool on Saturday while attending a party

The coffin bearing the remains of seven-year-old Shay Lynch from Shannonview, Ardnataggle, O'Briensbridge, Clare leaves St Senan’s church in Clonlara. Photograph: Liam Burke/Press 22

The father of Shay (James) Lynch who died in a swimming pool accident in Clare remembered the seven-year-old as a “gentle, caring, sweet boy” who regularly left notes and pictures on his parents’ pillows.

Addressing mourners at his son’s funeral mass at St Senan’s Church in Clonlara on Wednesday, James Lynch said “To Shay-Shay – our amazing little boy. From your first breath, we have loved you so much with all of our hearts.”

The first class pupil at Scoil Seanáin Naofa, Clonlara died following a tragic accident at a Co Clare hotel pool on Saturday while attending a party.

His father said that he was proud that Shay wanted to follow him and become a builder and “already had your apprenticeship started”.


James said that he would complete the playhouse that Shay had started work on “just the way you wanted it”.

Shay Lynch died in a swimming accident in Clare. Photograph: Scoil Seanáin Naofa

Addressing ‘Shay-Shay’, James said: “Thank you for all the lovely pictures and lovely notes that you have left on our pillows as surprises for us – we will cherish everyone of them.

“You were such a gentle, caring, sweet boy who wouldn’t harm a fly.

“Thank you for loving me, your mommy, and big sister and friend, Abi. Your favourite teddy Dougie is in safe hands now with Abi.

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“You were such an amazing artist and so creative in every way. I have even in the past sent your godfather John some of your pictures – I was that proud of you,” James said.

“I will miss you coming to work with me and how you loved putting on your little works-pants and pencil over your ear.

“I promise that I will never leave the first piece of timber you cut for your playhouse a few weeks away from us with the lovely pictures you drew on them.”

He said: “Abi and I will finish ye’re playhouse the way you wanted it.”

“I know you always said that you would like to be a builder like me and you already had your apprenticeship started and you would have been a great one.

“I know that you have been so happy to have your mommy as secretary in your school these past few months. We were so proud of the amazing reports from your teachers.

“We know that you are safe now and at peace with your nana Christina. We will forever miss you – we will forever love you. You will always be forever our beautiful boy Shay-Shay,” he added.

Earlier, James had helped carry his son’s white coffin to the top of the church and briefly kissed the photo of his son in his Clonlara colours as he comforted daughter Abi.

In the packed church parents comforted their small children as Fr Pat Mulcahy said last weekend was joyful as 41 local children celebrated their confirmation and three baptisms took place in the parish while locals looked forward to the “epic” hurling match between Clare and Limerick.

Fr Muclahy recalled meeting Shay’s mother, Tania at the confirmation service on Saturday “and we went about our respective businesses. Just another day.”

He said: “That evening a dark cloud had descended on our parish community as information disseminated through social media regarding the sad news which stopped all of us in our tracks.”

Fr Mulcahy said that two weeks ago Shay planted two shrubs at the grave of his nana Christina at Bridgetown cemetery.

Fr Mulcahy said that Shay was so happy he did that “and little did we or he know that he would be laid to rest where he planted that shrub beside his Nana where he will remain forever young”.

Earlier, in mementos brought to the altar, Shay’s under 9 coach at Clonlara GAA, Joe Moriarty and his son, James brought up a Clonlara club jersey and his hurley and Shay “was so proud to be part of the best hurling club in Clare”.

Shay’s big sister, Abi “who he adored”, and his cousin Cory brought up his “beloved Dougie” teddy and some of his favourite toys.

His cousin, Craig brought up Shay’s work pants, pencil and tools “a symbol of all the great times that Shay had working with his amazing dad”, according to Caroline.

Shay Lynch was later laid to rest in St Thomas’s Church grounds, Bridgetown.