IrelandMorning Briefing

Friday’s Top Stories: Pay deal for 385,000 public sector workers agreed; RTÉ ignored suggestion to cancel Toy Show the Musical after poor ticket sales, report says

Here are the most important stories you need to start your day, including Ireland failed to keep toxic chemicals linked to cancer out of water supply, EU court rules

The Irish National Stud's maternity unit in Co Kildare welcomes one of the first foals of the year, Angus, with his mother, Across The Sea. Photograph: Tony Gavin

Pay deal for 385,000 public sector workers agreed after all-night talks

A new pay deal for 385,000 civil and public sector workers has been agreed between union and Government representatives that will see pay rises of 10.25 per cent over 2½ years.

Representatives of the two sides continued to work on the documentation at the offices of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) until around 6am on Friday when a settlement was reached on the key issue of pay after 19 hours of talks.

Union representatives Kevin Callinan of Fórsa, Siptu’s John King, Phil Ní Sheaghdha of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and John Boyle of the Irish National Teachers Organisation will brief other public sector unions later this morning.

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