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COLM MAC CON IOMAIRE The Hare's Corner Plateau Records ***

There's a certain intangibility about the solo debut of Colm Mac Con Iomaire, The Frames' fiddle player, that teeters between the experience of wrestling with jelly and pied- piping the listener on a magical escape into infinity. At his best, Mac Con Iomaire embarks on an atmospheric experiment in soundscaping that could readily accompany The Third Man (Blue Shoes), fiddle lines chiselling against producer Karl Odlum's foreboding bass lines. Thou Shalt Not Carry Timber might just be a sonic snapshot of the fear and loathing that's come to epitomise life in the noughties, but in between such high-definition imagery, other tunes drift and flow, the initial idea either prematurely realised or lacking the backbone to stand alone. Mac Con Iomaire's musical temperament has unquestionable cinematic potential nonetheless. Download tracks:Blue Shoes,Thought No 3

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts