What's on today and tomorrow

BRIAN O’CONNELL presents a round-up of this summer events around the country

BRIAN O'CONNELLpresents a round-up of this summer events around the country


The Murder Monologues, a new play by Jane Mulcahy, claims to offer an "insight to the darker elements of the female psyche". If that doesn't grab you, a bowl of soup is included in the admission price of €10. Today and tomorrow at 1.10pm at the Cork Arts Theatre. 021-4505624, www.corkarts theatre.com



Adapted from Gilbert Sullivan’s opera, this local production runs at the Premier Hall, Thurles until Saturday. Tickets are €16/13 and available from the Source Arts Centre. 0504-90204, www.thesourceartscentre.ie


Located near the village of Cushendall, Co Antrim this community-based festival has an adult treasure hunt tonight, starting at the Parish Hall at 6.30pm (£10 per car). Tomorrow, though, is the big one, with a street theme night where locals are asked to dress up in Hollywood style. www.glensfestival.com, 048-21771378


Dr Simon Spencer gives a European perspective at this talk in the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin, drawing from his experiences in locust and grasshopper research and his work with the farming and conservation communities in Wales. Admission is free and the talk begins at 8pm at the Education and Visitor Centre. www.botanicgardens.ie


This informal event is for web/business people to get together and chat. Today’s event is in the Science Gallery on Pearse Street at 10.30am, with another event planned for Saturday at Dakota Bar, again at 10.30am. martharo@microsoft. com, www.opencoffee dublin.com


Children get free admission to the Cliffs of Moher visitor experience all summer after 6pm, while general access is offered at a reduced rate of €5 for adults after 7.30pm. The visitor experience is open every day from 9am to 9.30pm. 065-7086141, www.cliffsofmoher.ie

E-mail information to brianoconnell@irishtimes.com.

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