Weekly Movie Quiz

Questions and Answers here

Questions and Answers here


1. Which of this week's films takes place in the 23rd century?

2. "To me it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains." Which doomed vessel?


3. Alec, Daniel, Stephen and William. Which clan?

4. Watchmen director. Garden State director. 17 Again star. Three different spellings of what?

5. Who got shot on the loo while reading Modesty Blaise?

6. Warmth. The person within. Cousin and son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad. Security for a debt. Floridian immorality. (In that order.) Which director?

7. What did Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez do in 1999?

8. Eugène Terre'Blanche. Aileen Wuornos. Heidi Fleiss. Tupac Shakur. Which posh Englishman?

9. Henry, John, Paul, Jeffrey, Sailor. (In that order.) Who?

10. "...look closer." The tagline to which Oscar winner?


1. Star Trek

2. Titanic

3. The Baldwins.

4. Zack/Zach/Zac. The question refers to Zack Snyder, Zach Braff and Zac Effron.

5. Vincent Vega (John Travolta) in Pulp Fiction.

6. Michael Mann. The question refers to Heat, The Insider, Ali, Collateral and Miami Vice.

7. They directed The Blair Witch Project.

8. Nick Broomfield. The question refers to the subjects of documentaries by Broomfield.

9. Heroes of the first five features by David Lynch.

Donald Clarke

Donald Clarke

Donald Clarke, a contributor to The Irish Times, is Chief Film Correspondent and a regular columnist