Weekly Movie Quiz

Questions and answers here

Questions and answers here


1. Which current hit begins with the heroes waking up blearily to discover a chicken, a tiger and a baby in their hotel room?

2. Which singer's sister has - in a rare concession to good taste - been excised from Brüno?


3. From next year there will be 10 of these rather than the traditional five. What are we talking about?

4. Who is Robert Downey Jr pretending to be in the picture?

5. Desmond Llewelyn is the only actor to have played against five different incarnations of whom?

6. Warren Oates, Johnny Depp, Nick Adams and Lawrence Tierney have all played which undesirable?

7. Which Italian classic is - with the addition of ½ -- about to become a movie musical?

8. Which upcoming release features an officer nicknamed Aldo the Apache?

9. What's the odd one out: Brazil(1985), Lake Tahoe(2009), Paris, Texas(1984), New York, New York(1977), California Dreaming(2007)?

10. Which country is, apparently, "the Land of the Spree, and the Home of the Knave"?


1. The Hangover

2. Michael Jackson. LaToya is no longer in the film.

3. Nominations for best picture at the Oscars

4. Sherlock Holmes in Guy Ritchie's upcoming film

5. James Bond. Desmond was the most famous Q.

6. John Dillinger

7. Fellini's 8 ½. Rob Marshall's Nineopens later this year.

8. Inglourious Basterds

9. New York, New York. None of the rest take place in the places named in the title.

10. Freedonia in The Marx Brothers' Duck Soup

Donald Clarke

Donald Clarke

Donald Clarke, a contributor to The Irish Times, is Chief Film Correspondent and a regular columnist