Ever heard of a breast pump? TV breastfeeding sparks reaction

Dil Wickremasinghe feeds baby boy Phoenix on TV3

Dil Wickremasinghe feeding  baby Phoenix on the Midday show. Photograph: TV3
Dil Wickremasinghe feeding baby Phoenix on the Midday show. Photograph: TV3

TV3 said today it got a strong reaction from viewers after broadcaster Dil Wickremasinghe breastfed her baby boy Phoenix live on the channel's Midday show.

Wickremasinghe appeared on the show to discuss attachment parenting with host Elaine Crowley, along with panellists Tina Koumarianos, Sonia Harris and Terry Prone.

The channel said it received both positive and negative responses on today’s show.

Dil Wickremasinghe (left) with Anne Marie O’Toole and their baby boy Phoenix. Photograph: TV3
Dil Wickremasinghe (left) with Anne Marie O’Toole and their baby boy Phoenix. Photograph: TV3

One viewer texted in and said:


“Great to see breastfeeding on the show — it’s not promoted positively enough in this country, well done! — Donna.”

Another said:

“Thank you Dil for: 1) breastfeeding on TV and 2) explaining attachment parenting with such easy matter of fact-ness. It was the best description of attachment parenting I have ever heard.”

A caller, Karen, said that it has turned her off watching Midday. “No need for Dil to be breastfeeding on TV. I won’t be watching the show again when she’s on it. She’s a self-promoting gobsh*te. Has she ever heard of a breast pump?”

Another viewer texted in to applaud the balanced nature of the show:

“I did not breastfeed my baby and he is fantastic, very strong and very smart .. He is 7 years old now and last year in school he had to do English and Maths from second class .. Bottle feeding makes no difference.. My son is very strong tall and smart and very well balanced and I decided to bottle feed him because breastfeeding kind of disgusted me.. Thanks for not talking down bottle feeding mother’s Elaine, we do our very best too.”

The show can be viewed on the TV3 website.