Presenting the publishers

BIBLIOPHILES won't have to wait until October to find out what's happening in Irish publishing the Irish Writers' Centre, Parnell…

BIBLIOPHILES won't have to wait until October to find out what's happening in Irish publishing the Irish Writers' Centre, Parnell Square, is presenting its own "mini-Frankfurt" with a new monthly series of talks and readings, focussing on Irish publishers. "We want to allow publishers to present themselves, as well as their authors, " says the Centre's director, Peter Sirr. "Irish publishers have covered a huge amount of ground in the past 10 years and have become very professional, so this is a chance for them to show what kinds of lists they have."

First under the spotlight, tonight at 8 p.m., will be Anthony Farrell of Lilliput Press. He will introduce the authors Tim Robinson and Elaine Crowley, who will read from their forthcoming books, Setting Foot on the Shores of Connemara, and Cowslips and Chainies, and over the coming months Blackstaff, Wolfhound and Pool beg Publishers will present their wares. For further information, tel: 01-872-1302.